Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Odd Librarian Out

I freely admit that I am an odd duck when it comes to books and television.  I don't read best sellers. It took me years before I picked up a James Patterson or Robert B. Parker book.  I liked both of them and will probably read more.  It took me a year to read Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.  I only read it because the American movie version was coming and out and I really wanted to see it.   Most of the time, my reading and television habits aren't that big of a deal.  But lately with the return of Downton Abbey, I am feeling like Odd Librarian Out.   I have never watched Downton Abbey. I  have nothing against the show, the show creators, actors, etc. I just never watched it.  I admit on Sunday nights, I am probably watching Family Guy and American Dad on Fox. Or I am in bed reading a book.(I know, I need to get a life, but you read my post on dating, so....) Yes, I have a Tivo and could record it, but I am just not ready to watch it yet.    When patrons come in and ask for the dvds for Downton Abbey and they ask me if I have watched and I say no, they act like I just told them I plan on overthrowing the government! They are so shocked. Some of them try to act like they wouldn't watch it either but their spouse insisted.  Or they wonder if I even own a television.  I do and it is a nice one actually. Don't worry, at this point I am intrigued by all of the hoopla surrounding the show, so I am going to get Amazon Prime, so I can catch up!  (Yep, still odd librarian out since I don't have a streaming service at this time either! YIKES!!!)

This goes beyond Downton Abbey.  The other day I was helping someone put a couple seasons of Breaking Bad on hold. She asked me if I had ever watched and what I thought of the show.  I told her I have never watched.  She then asked me if I was against drugs. SERIOUSLY???? Yes, in real life Melissa of the Reference Desk is against drugs. I don't think that needs explanation.  For the record, I have never done any recreational drugs and I hardly ever have a cocktail or beer. But anyway, I told this patron I don't have a problem with drugs in a television drama. I just never got around to watching the show, but eventually I will.

Thanks to technology, I never have to miss a show ever again.  I might not watch it for a few years, but I will get around to it.  Just don't tell me the ending!

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