Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Reader's Advisory Scares The Hell Out Of Me!

One of my job duties is to teach the other staff in my library district about Reader's Advisory.  I sort of inherited the job from another librarian who went on to greener pastures.  I only have to do it for 3 days once a year.  But for the last 3 years, I have panicked about it for at least a month before I teach because I don't have a set answer on how to help a patron find a good book. Also, I think staff are tough critics and I want to be sure to know my stuff when I present it. But I really have to get over it.  I have 1.5 hours to help the staff who attend my class feel more comfortable doing reader's advisory.   I know that in MLS programs, they spend a whole semester. So I know I am barely scratching the surface.  But it still scares me!

But what scares me more is I know that every week at the Reference Desk, someone is going to ask me to recommend a book. Or they are going to tell me that they are in a reading slump.  I stay cool and calm on the outside, but on the inside I am saying "oh sh*t, what the hell am I going to recommend to them?"  (BTW, my library has plenty of reader's advisory tools, but it is still one of the hardest questions to get at the reference desk.)  Sometimes I hit it out of the park and recommend a book or two that someone loves and they thank me the next time they see me.  Other times, I spend 30 to 45 minutes with someone and nothing I recommend is good enough for them.  Unfortunately, the bad experiences stick with me.

So why is reader's advisory so hard??  BTW, can anyone recommend any good books??

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